Intesa Sanpaolo: An Italian Bank Worth a Look

Italian bank stocks fell heavily on Friday.Trading in some banks was suspended due to high volatility in the Milan Stock Exchange. From Italian Banks Sidestep Debt Crisis, Not Vice Versa in The Wall Street Journal: MILAN—With virtually no exposure to Greece and other peripheral euro-zone countries, Italian banks have seemed relatively immune to Europe’s debt …

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Seven Defensive British Stocks To Buy Now

Equity markets worldwide have become more volatile in recent weeks due to the resurgence of the European debt crisis. Emerging markets are getting hit due to soaring inflation and rising interest rates. Fearing a collapse of the Euro and its impacts to European economies some investors are staying clear of European stocks. This need not …

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Relative Importance of Banking Sector to the Overall Economy

The U.S. economy was mainly driven in the past few decades by the FIRE (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) sector. Accordingly these sectors experienced explosive growth and formed a major portion of the overall economy. The banking industry especially evolved into one of the main pillars of the economic growth due to its loose lending …

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