Canada creates High-Paying Jobs, USA creates McJobs ?

The unemployment rate in Canada stood at 7.6% in April compared to 9.0% in the U.S. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, 244,000 jobs were created in April. But how many high-paying, full-time jobs created in the U.S.?. Recently McDonald’s hired 62,000 people  in the U.S.after receiving more than a million applications. These jobs will …

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The World’s 20 Strongest Banks

The Bloomberg Markets magazine has published the list of The World’s Strongest Banks.Singapore-based Overseas-Chinese Banking Corp (OCBC) was ranked the world’s strongest bank based on its performance for the 2010 fiscal year.  The World’s Strongest Banks 1 Overseas-Chinese Banking (Singapore) 2 Svenska Handelsbanken (Sweden) 3 National Bank of Canada 4 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce …

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15 Brazilian Utility Stocks

The BM&FBOVESPA Public Utilities Index(UTIL) is one of the four new indices that started trading on the Brazilian market this month. This index is composed of companies in the public utilities sector (electric energy, water and sewage, and gas).The index components are selected for their liquidity and weighted in the portfolio by the market value …

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Why Small and Mid Caps Are Better Investments Than Large Caps

Smaller companies in general tend to yield better returns than larger companies despite their higher risk and other perceived negative factors. I came across two articles that confirms that stocks of small companies are better investments than most large companies. From “Why So Many Blue-Chip Investors Are Still Singing the Blues” by Jason Zweig in …

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The Horrendous Decline in U.S. Labor Income for the Past Four Decades

The official unemployment rate in the U.S. stood at 9.0% in April. 13.7 million Americans are out of work. Even the lucky ones who hold a job are finding it difficult to make a decent living due to rising cost of living and stagnant to down wages. While equity markets have soared from the depths …

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