15 Brazilian Utility Stocks

The BM&FBOVESPA Public Utilities Index(UTIL) is one of the four new indices that started trading on the Brazilian market this month. This index is composed of companies in the public utilities sector (electric energy, water and sewage, and gas).The index components are selected for their liquidity and weighted in the portfolio by the market value of stocks that are available for trading.

The selection criteria for index components are:

“Based on the previous 12 months, all stocks that meet the following criteria are included in the index portfolio:

a) Those included in a group of stocks whose combined negotiability indices represent 98% of the total value of all individual indices;
b) Those with trading session participation that is equal to or greater than 95% in the period.

The same company can have more than one stock in the portfolio, as long as each stock meets the inclusion criteria separately.

Companies with less than 12 months of listing are only eligible if they have more than six months of trading, and if during the last six months of the analysis period they have had at least a 95% presence in the trading session.”

The components of the BM&FBOVESPA Public Utilities Index are listed below with their ADR tickers, if available and dividend yields:

1.Company: CESP (CESDY)
Current Dividend Yield: N/A

2.Company: CEMIG (CIG)
Current Dividend Yield: 5.68%

3.Company: CPFL Energia (CPL)
Current Dividend Yield: 4.28%

4.Company: Copel (ELP)
Current Dividend Yield: 0.15%

5.Company: Equatorial (EQUEY)
Current Dividend Yield: N/A

6.Company: AES Tiete (AESAY)
Current Dividend Yield: 9.35%

7.Company: Light S/A (LGSXY)
Current Dividend Yield: 6.02%

8.Company: Sabesp (SBS)
Current Dividend Yield: 3.41%

9.Company: Tractebel Energia Sa (TBLEY)
Current Dividend Yield: 2.83%

Other companies in the index include:

  • Coelce
  • Copasa
  • Electrobras
  • Electropaulo
  • Energias BR
  • Tran Paulist

Note: Dividend yields noted above are as of May 6, 2011

Disclosure: No Positions

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