20 High-Yielding European Utility Stocks

A recent “Heard on the Street” column in The Wall Street Journal discussed about the juicy dividends offered by European stocks. From the article: “Average dividend yields on European stocks are now higher than those on government bonds for only the third time in 30 years. On the past two occasions, in early 2003 and …

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Which is a Better Invesment – Germany or U.K.?

The U.K. and Germany are two of the largest economies in Europe. In terms of investment returns, Germany is well ahead of the UK in the past five years as shown in the chart below: Source: MSCI Barra The chart compares the performance of MSCI country index for Germany and the UK in dollar terms. …

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Three European Auto Stocks

European car companies continue to increase production compared to last year as demands picks up in the domestic and overseas markets. Car makers in European have traditionally built smaller, fuel-efficient cars that are demanded by European consumers. In addition, these companies also reproduce the same strategy when selling in the fast-growing emerging markets such as …

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Knowledge is Power: Dow 1,000?, Poland, Canada Housing Edition

Marc Faber Questions if Dow Could Hit 1,000 Getting real: Bull run coming to an end for Canada’s housing Can the US raise employment with more exports? The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ending Poverty Five retail stocks that can beat consumers’ blues Slave-like conditions await Asian interns Billionaire blow off Pole Position Poland is laying …

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