The 10 Most Profitable British Companies

The ten most profitable publicly-listed British companies that made it to the Forbes Global 2000 list for 2010 are listed below. [TABLE=500] All the firms noted above are also part of the FTSE 100 index. The oil giant BP plc (BP) is the most profitable British company. The current yield on the BP ADR is …

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More European Companies Delist from the NYSE

The exodus of European firms from delisting their stocks on the New York Stock Exchange continue to climb. On Friday German auto maker Daimler AG(DAI) became the latest company to announce plans to delist from the NYSE. This follows the announcement of Deutsche Telekom AG (DT) two weeks ago to delist from the exchange. After …

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Top 10 Holdings of the Carmignac Commodities Fund

The Carmignac Commodities Fund is one of the large funds run by the successful European asset management firm Carmignac Gestion. This fund is interesting because of the heavy exposure to natural resource companies in North America, Europe and Australia and the diversification of assets among various commodities such as energy, forestry products, metals, agricultural products, …

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