Performance of Emerging Markets over the Decade

The chart below shows the performance of emerging markets over the decade and from March thru December 2009: Click to Enlarge Source: Credit Suisse Global Investment Yearbook 2010 Of the 24 countries listed above, Pakistan and Argentina are considered as Frontier Markets by index providers MSCI and S&P. FTSE views all the 24 countries as …

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The Nifty 50 BRIC Champions

In an earlier post, we discussed about the companies from developed countries that have the potential to profit from emerging markets’ growth. Many companies in the emerging markets are already champions in their domestic markets and are poised to become global market leaders. This is especially true with BRIC companies. The economic power is projected …

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Multinational Companies with Large Exposure to Emerging Markets

Companies from developed countries are increasingly investing heavily in emerging markets to participate in the tremendous growth. The BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are the preferred destination for these companies. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) fell sharply last year to $1 Trillion from $1.7 Trillion in 2008(Source: UNCTAD). However the overall trend of FDI …

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Ten Highest Dividend Paying Stocks from the Eurozone Countries

The Dow Jones EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 Index consists of the 30 high-dividend-yielding companies of the Eurozone. The Eurozone countries include Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The ETFlab DJ EURO STOXX® Select Dividend 30 ETF tracks the performance of the above index.  The Top 10 …

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