Market Performance: NYSE vs. St.Petersburg Stock Exchange from 1865 to 1917

The graph below shows the performance of New York and St.Petersburg Stock Exchange of Russia for the 50-year period from 1865 thru 1917: Source: “By 1910, stocks on the St. Petersburg Exchange had increased fourfold in value since 1865, compared to a mere doubling on the NYSE .” Sometimes exogenous variables play an important …

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Agri-Food Stocks Offer Potential Investment Opportunities

Food prices skyrocketed worldwide in 2007 and early 2008 leading to a crisis in many developing and under-developed countries. In 2008 and last year prices stumbled and the crisis faded away from headline news. Last November BusinessWeek had an interesting report titled Land Rush in Africa. The article discussed in detail how Agri-business and global …

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2009 Performance Review: Foreign Bank Stocks

The 2009 performance numbers of foreign bank stocks traded in the US markets are listed below in three sections. a. Foreign Bank ADRs [TABLE=270] The best foreign bank ADR was Banco Macro of Argentina with a return of 175%. The worst performer was Llyods Bank of UK which lost 56%. Another British bank Royal Bank …

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