The 5 Best and Worst Performing Foreign Banks YTD

With less than two weeks remaining this year, its time to take a quick look at the performance of foreign bank stocks. In this post, let me list the five best and worst performing foreign bank ADRs. The 5 Best Performing Foreign Bank Stocks YTD: 1.Banco Macro (BMA) Country: Argentina YTD Change: 171% 2.Woori Finance …

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Ten Leading Chinese Stocks

The Dow Jones BRIC China 15 Index represents the “15 leading companies whose primary operations are in mainland China but whose stocks trade on the exchanges of Hong Kong and the U.S. Eligible stocks include H shares, ADRs/ADSs and U.S.-listed only stocks”. The stocks in this index are selected based on liquidity and size.The dividend …

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Components of the Dow Jones High Yield Select 10 Index

The Dow Jones High Yield Select 10 Index measures the top ten companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average based on indicated annual dividend yield. The key features of this index: Components are equal-dollar weighted. The index is rebalanced annually. Changes to the Dow Jones Industrial Average during the course of the year are not …

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A Review of Canadian Dividend ETF

One of the ETFs that tracks the performance of top Canadian dividend stocks is The Claymore S&P/TSX Canadian Dividend ETF which trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) with ticker CDZ. This ETF replicates the performance of S&P/TSX Canadian Dividend Aristocrats Index. A company should satisfy the following criteria to become a member of the …

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