Ten Global Food and Beverage Titans

The Dow Jones Food & Beverage Titans 30 Index represents the leading global companies in the Food & Beverage sector. The components of this index are selected based on rankings by float-adjusted market capitalization, revenue and net profit. Since this is a defensive sector, the index was down only about 26% last year – which …

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Download 4 S&P Dividend Aristrocrats Indices in Excel

One of the popular dividend index series published by Standard&Poors is the Dividend Aristocrats indices. In this post, I shall provide a brief description of each index and list the constituents in downloadable excel files. 1. S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Index This index “measures the performance of large cap, blue chip companies within the S&P …

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Ten Emerging Markets Financials Titans

Emerging market financials have performed very well this year. After remaining resilient during the past year’s credit crisis they showed their strength when the global markets rebounded in the first quarter this year. Valuations of emerging market stocks have stretched after the strong run-up in the past few months. However compared to the developed world, …

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