Top 10 Global Food and Beverage Companies

The U.S. food giant Kraft Foods (KFT) has made a £10.2bn bid ($16.7 billion) to acquire Cadbury (CBY), the most famous confectionery company of U.K. The deal values Cadbury share at 745 pence a share.(Note:1 British Pound (£)= 100 pence) Cadbury’s board quickly rejected the offer saying that saying that the deal undervalues the company. …

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Should the Government Cut Federal Workers’ Lavish Compensation?

The U.S. celebrates Labor Day on the first Monday of September(today) while for the rest of the world Labor Day is on May 1st. Labor Day was declared to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. In the U.S. job losses totaled 2.6 million in 2008.Most of the job losses were in the private …

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The Largest and Most Liquid Australian Stocks

The Dow Jones Australia Titans 30 Index represents the 30 largest and most liquid stocks traded in the Australian market. Stocks are selected based on the rankings by float-adjusted market capitalization and average trading volume. Australian stocks generally pay high dividends. Hence this index has an yield of 4.61% as of August 31, 2009. After …

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