IMF: Outlook for the UK Economy is Highly Uncertain

Today the Office for National Statistics announced that GDP shrank at a rate of 0.8% between in the second quarter. This is higher than the 0.3% economists had predicted.The GDP has contracted for the fifth consecutive quarter and is approaching the levels of 1980s recession. On July 16th, IMF released the Staff Report for UK. …

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The Best Banks of Russia for 2009

The Best Banks of Russia in different categories for 2009 as per Global Finance magazine are as follows: Domestic -    VTB Foreign -    Citi (C) Regional -    UralSib Domestic Investment –     Troika Dialog Foreign Investment –     Credit Suisse (CS) Commercial -    Sberbank Consumer -    Raiffeisen (RAIFF.PK) Foreign Exchange -    VTB Domestic Trade Finance …

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Daily Wisdom: Is Britain Bankrupt? Edition

Bank declares recession over Bank of Canada forecasting economic growth of 1.3 per cent on an annualized basis in the third quarter Commodities investing is back in fashion Expect volatility to remain a key factor in prices throughout the rest of the year, says Deutsche’s Asia head of commodities, but look for growth in the …

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A Review of the Current Global Steel Market

The global demand for steel has fallen sharply except China. Due to the crash in residential and commercial real estate, demand for steel is low. Another reason is the slump in automobile production in developed world. China continues to show strong demand for steel due to the many public infrastructure projects under construction there. However …

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