Daily Wisdom: China’s Economy is Expanding Edition

An economic recovery will begin in the middle of this year, but many. Recession to dog state until 2010, experts say Buy-to-let landlords are snapping up houses at knockdown prices despite falling rents, according to letting agents…Buy-to-let landlords swoop on cheap homes I’m still looking for, and still not seeing, the economic recovery that everybody …

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Chart: US Government Borrowing Rises Sharply

Consumers have been cutting down borrowing since the credit crunch began. However the Federal government borrowing has been growing at a staggering rate recently as the chart from CFR’s Brad Setser’s blog shows below. Source: Council on Foreign Relations Checkout also More on the fall in private borrowing and the rise in the fiscal defict.

US Unemployment Rate Getting Closer to Europe’s

Historically the unemployment rate in the USA was lower when compared to European countries due to US economy being dynamic and vibrant.The policy of hire and fire by companies was accepted by the society as a means of keeping the economy strong.However this situation in changing due to the continued rise in  unemployment rates in …

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The Top 10 International ETFs by Assets

Hundreds of ETFs are listed on the exchanges. However not all of them are able to attract significant amount of assets. The following are the top 10 global ETFs by Total Net Assets: iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (EEM) iShares MSCI EAFE Index (EFA) iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index (FXI) Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock ETF …

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