Emerging Markets: Will Latin America Be The Winner This Year?

Emerging market economies are projected to perform better this year than the developed economies. Based on the year-to-date (YTD) performance of the foreign stocks trading as ADRs in the US, it appears that the above estimate might come true. The Bank of New York Mellon Asia ADR Index is down 15.25% YTD and the Bank …

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The Ten Most Profitable Companies in Asia

Asia has two of the most populous countries of the world – China and India. They are also among the largest emerging markets in the so-called BRIC countries. Some of the countries in Asia are showing signs of recovery. For example, the Shanghai Composite Index has grown by 27% year-to-date until last Friday due to …

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Composition of Loan Portfolios of FDIC-Insured Institutions

Have you ever wondered how much of the total outstanding loans in the USA is related to residential mortgages? Residential mortgage loans have been attributed as the main culprit behind the credit crisis. To be more precise, it is the sub-prime residential mortgages. Some say that other type of loans such as credit cards, commercial …

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