Europe Freezes – Time to Invest in European Utilities?

Over the past few days temperatures in Europe plummeted to record levels. In Germany, temperatures fell below -25 C last Monday. People have been using record levels of natural gas and electricity to stay warm. Energy prices are soaring in UK as some of the gas companies export the supply to continental Europe to meet …

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Three Banks of Chile

The country of Chile in South America has one of the strong democratic governments. Chile has been following sound free market economic policies since the 1980s. With a population of about 12 million Chile’s economy is export-oriented with concentration in fishing, forestry and copper. According to Wikipedia, Chile’s financial system is among the top in …

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UK Stocks – Dividend Cuts Ahead?

The AFI Magazine – Issue #3(December 2008) of UK says: “A quarter of the FTSE 350 could cut or scrap dividends in the next 12 months because of the economic environment“. (emphasis added) Due to the above, a panel of fund advisers suggest staying away from cyclicals like basic materials, industrials and service sectors. The …

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