US Economy: Is New Growth Economics the Cure?

There are three major economic growth theories: Classical economic theory, Neo-Classical theory and New-Growth Economics. Classical theory states that the output of a country depends on the capital available per worker. If capital per worker increased output would increase. The problem with this theory is that it does not account for important factors like technological …

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Three Australian Banks Offer Yields over 10%

After the crash of the banking sector, the three Australian bank ADRs offer yields that are well above 10%. Just like any other bank that is cutting dividends or outright suspending them non one can be sure that these yields are sustainable. However each bank is different and Australia is normal times is a stable …

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Singapore 2009 Growth Estimates Cut

The tiny city state of Singapore is not immune to the global economic turmoil. Up until last year Singapore had strong growth and was even hailed as the “Switzerland of Asia” due to many international financial institutions having offices there. The government of Singapore rode to boom and even granted licenses to develop huge casino/entertainment …

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Utility Stocks offer Nice Yields and Growth

Utility stocks are one of the sectors that offer shelter during severe economic downturns. Utilities offer many advantages that make them attractive. Some of the notable points about utility companies are: 1. They are highly regulated and have fixed prices. However they usually apply for price increases and most instances get approval. 2. They are …

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