The Economy of Canada: Strong in 2008, But What about 2009?

The sub-prime crisis that started in the US impacted most of the world’s countries including Canada. However last year the Canadian economy stayed strong relative to other developed economies. When one looks at the macroeconomic fundamentals it does not bode well for Canada in 2009. When researching into the reasons for the strength of the …

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The Five Best and Worst Foreign Banks Year-To-Date

January has come to a close this year. The S&P; 500 is down 8.57%. The Financials in the index are down an incredible 26.55% in just one month. Worldwide bank stock stocks continue to get hammered as the credit crisis deepens. Banks are doing everything they can to shore up their capital. Investors have lost …

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Four Frontier Market Stocks

Frontier markets are the so-called next emerging markets. While investing in emerging market economies like Brazil, Russia, China, India takes a strong stomach, investing in frontier markets require nerves of steel. Frontier markets are those lie outside of the realm of emerging market investors and they can be considered the “Wild West” of the investment …

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