The following portfolio contains some of the European Utility stocks that are traded as ADRs in the US markets. The average yield of this portfolio is 6.71%.
1. The Dividend (Yield) info. is acquired from various sources and is thought to be
accurate when posted.
2. The Dividend (Yield) info. is as of 3/21/08
Like your site. I took a position in CPFL several weeks ago and am a little curious why your portfolio shows so few foreign stocks. I am very bearish on the dollar long term and think stocks like these will do very well. I used to invest in CD’s from Everbank directly in currencies and got about the same yield, but the minimum term was 3 mo..Plan to buy and hold but at least this way I can have stops in case of another meltdown like last fall.
Hi Ray
Thanks for the comment.Sorry for the delayed reply.
This portfolio includes very few foreign stocks because I wrote this article when I kinda started the site and was not sure what I wanted to write on. I plan to update this article soon.
Anyway CPFL is a good pick.This is a tough market for sure.